Friday 1 March 2013

Wind speed and Power Output Statistics

  • The mean wind speed in rural areas is 5.26 metres/second. However the wind is very unsteady and usually is not around the mean value. This unsteadiness of the wind speed is called the standard deviation.  The standard deviation is around 62%.
  • Taking two examples of locations we compared wind speed distributions in urban areas:

Example 1:

A small wind turbine is mounted next to a building with a near by row of trees (as seen in the picture below). The mean wind speed is only 2.14 metres/second and the site is very turbulent. There is a standard wind speed deviation of 87% which is far off from the standard deviation of 62%. This is not a convenient site for the turbine to achieve it maximum power output capacity.
Hill Close

Example 2:

In this example the small scale wind turbine is situated on the roof of a seven story building. The mean wind speed is 4.46 metres/second which is still low for the turbine to really cut costs. However in this case the standard deviation is 59% much closer to the standard 62% mark.

Southorn Court

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