Friday 1 February 2013


The following report provides an in-depth analysis to small wind energy.

The link for the small-scale wind energy technical report:

Anemometers measure wind speed in several areas throughout the UK. The map below identifies the distribution of the anemometers throughout the country.
Industry standard for modelling wind speed distribution:


U: wind speed
A: scale parameter of distribution
k: shape parameter of distribution
The strength of this wind,
                                                             G (in ms-1), is given by
                                                                    G = Px /(ρ f )

Px is the magnitude of the pressure gradient (in Pa m-1), ρ is the density, and f is the
Coriolis parameter
(= 2ΩsinΦ, where Ω = 7.3x10-5 s-1 is the rate of rotation of the Earth and Φ is
the latitude in degrees). At 50 degrees N (as in parts of the UK), this gives G 7500Px.
                                                                                                           (by Anqi Chen)

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